
Jumat, 17 November 2023​

18:30 - 19:30

Commercial Consumer Conference

Consumers are diverse in their preferences, with traditional coffee and flavored variations like lattes and cappuccinos. Consumers are also more conscious of quality and sustainability, willing to pay more for sustainably produced coffee.

Handoko Hendroyono – Filosofi Kopi
Budi Kurniawan – Sutradara Aroma of Heaven



Sabtu, 18 November 2023

10:00 - 11:00

Coffee Nursery & Plantation Conference​

Coffee seedling cultivation is crucial for healthy coffee plants. It involves propagating seedlings from seeds, caring for them until plantation. Proper management is essential for plantation success, impacting plant health and productivity. Sustainable practices protect the environment and support farmer well-being.

Tejo Pramono – Rumah Kopi Ranin
Armiyadi – Asa Coffee Gayo



11:30 - 12:30

Terroir of Coffee Plantation Conference​

The land where coffee is grown, known as ‘terroir’, plays a crucial role in determining the quality and yield of coffee beans. This includes various geographical and environmental factors that affect the flavor and overall quality of coffee. Considering these factors carefully is essential for producing high-quality coffee.

Dr. Ir. John Bako Baon, M.Sc. – Peneliti Utama Tanah dan Agroklimat Puslitkoka Indonesia
Intan Fardinatri – Coffee Team at Rainforest Alliance
Chandra Hendriawan – Java Kirana



13:00 - 14:00

Postharvest Coffee Processing Conference​

Post-harvest coffee processing is a crucial stage that transforms harvested coffee cherries into green coffee beans for roasting. It determines the final flavor and quality of coffee, and different regions have unique methods, resulting in diverse flavors. Effective processing ensures high-quality coffee, while errors can lower market value and income for farmers and the industry.

Wildan Mustofa – Java Frinsa Estate
Intan Taufik Ph.D – Lecture and Researcher at Bandung Technology Institute (Focus on Microbes for Coffee Plantation)
Rani Mayasari – Java Halu Coffee Farm



14.30 - 15.30

Green Bean Coffee Trading & Export Import Conference

Green coffee bean trading is a vital global process involving the purchase, sale, and distribution of unroasted coffee beans from coffee-producing regions to roasters and retailers worldwide. It ensures the diversity of coffee flavors in the market and plays a significant role in bringing the coffee we enjoy every day to the forefront.

Kabid IP Disparekraf
Fikri Raihan – Java Frinsa Estate
Yuanita Rachma – House of Coffee Barista ID
Gusti Laksamana – SCAI



16.00 - 17.00

Coffee Climate Conference​

Coffee climate is the impact of weather on coffee production and the industry. It’s important because coffee crops are sensitive to climate change. Understanding coffee climate is crucial for a sustainable industry.

Heru Prama Yuda – The World Bank
Nuzul Qudri – Regional Project Manager Asia World Coffee Research
Amanda Katili – Climate Reality Indonesia Executive Coach



Minggu, 19 November 2023

10.00 - 11.00

Barista Conference​

A barista is a coffee expert. They know different types of coffee, brewing methods, and techniques to make high-quality beverages. Baristas are crucial to the industry and contribute to the flavor of coffee for customers. The profession attracts coffee enthusiasts worldwide.

Viki Rahardja – CTI Latte Art Battle Asia 2016
David Rozali – Rozali Coffee Berlin (Jerman)
Aigerim – Spectre Coffee (Kazakhstan)



11.30 - 12.30

Roasting Facility Conference​

Coffee roasting facilities are dedicated to processing coffee beans to create high-quality coffee products. Effective leadership, quality control, and understanding coffee science are crucial for success in this competitive industry.

M. Buchori – Jakarta Coffee House
Wenny Sunarharum Ph.D – Founder of Senso Flavo, lecturer and researcher Brawijaya University



13.00 - 14.00

Cafe Management Conference​

Café management involves planning, organizing, controlling, and supervising a café to achieve business goals. Thorough planning, careful supervision, and adaptability to changing trends and customer needs are essential for success.

Irvan Helmi – Anomali Coffee
Iman Kusuma Putra – Kopi Kalyan
Della Mifti – The Gade Coffee & Gold



14.30 - 15.30

Sustainability Conference

Sustainable coffee shops promote environmental and social responsibility while serving quality coffee. They address concerns about environmental degradation, fair trade and ethical consumption in the industry.

Hue Tran – Regional Expert at Enveritas (Vietnam)
Robert Wanasida – Co-founder of Kopi Nako
Astrella Siahaya – Chief Experience Officer TUKU
M. Nur Primadiantho – CEO of WORK Indonesia



16.00 - 17.00

Future of Industry Conference​

The coffee industry is evolving due to shifting consumer preferences, sustainability focus, and technology. Despite challenges of climate change and market saturation, growth is expected due to increased coffee consumption, rising middle class, and awareness of sustainability.

Irman Adi Purwanto Moefthi – Atdag Kairo
Yuke Hapsari – Master in Coffee Economics & Science Ernesto Illy
Vita Datau – Indonesia Gastronomy Network

